Hey guys...I am so excited to make this announcement...(I guess that is a formal way to put it lol) But I have been doing lots of praying, and God has directed me in this path. I went and talked with my good friend, Nicole Wallen, a few weeks ago, and asked her to join me in the photography business....She is an amazing photographer, and has the same love for her family and values making memories as much as I do...So, she has agreed to work with me...and we are super excited...Now we can schedule so many more sessions...and it is going to be amazing!!! I truly feel that God's hand is in this desicion, and we are going to do our best to give Him the recognition for ALL the blessing he gives us....
Here is a little "get~to~know~you" that I asked her to write for the blog...Many of you know her already, and if you don't-You will Love her...

"My name is Nicole Wallen. I am a Christian, mother, wife, daughter, friend and photographer! I have 3 children and I am married to my best friend. I love documenting the growth of my children and those special moments we never want to forget. I love to capture “the not so typical” photo. I have always had a passion for photography and am so grateful for this opportunity to work together with Cassie and be a part of Still Moments Photography! :)"
Pray for us as we begin this venture together...God is SO Good!